Vonage Business Phone System Code of Practice


  1. Our Code of Practice
  2. About Vonage
  3. Customer Service
  4. Sales and Marketing
  5. Technical Problems
  6. Pricing and Billing
  7. Premium Rate and Number Translation Services
  8. Complaints and Dispute Resolution
  9. Your Privacy
  10. Social Responsibility
  11. Useful Contact Information

1. Our Code of Practice

We have put this Code together to provide you with up to date information about our products and services and to help you contact us if you have any technical or customer care questions or general enquiries. Your satisfaction with our service is of the utmost importance to us. All members of our staff are aware of the Code and will follow the Code at all times to make sure that any complaints or queries are dealt with as quickly and fairly as possible. This Code has been produced as part of our obligations as a Communications Provider under the Communications Act 2003. We review the Code quarterly to ensure it is up to date and reflects any changes in our business.

To help any of our customers with special needs this Code and any of our literature is available in large print, Braille or audio format. If you need help with any of your special needs, please contact our customer services by telephone on 0207 993 9000 or [email protected]. You can also write to us at Vonage Limited, 3rd Floor, The Bonhill Building, 15 Bonhill Street, London, EC2A 4DN.

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2. About Vonage

Vonage Limited is a company registered in England with company number 05199171. Our registered office is located at c/o Taylor Wessing LLP, 5 New Street Square, London EC4A 3TW.

Our Vonage Business Phone System and Vonage Business Cloud services are sold as a business service for use in the course of your business. You can find out about our services by visiting vonage.co.uk.

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3. Customer Service

Customer satisfaction and quality of service is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any questions, you can call us on 0207 993 9000 or email Vonage Support at [email protected]. Our customer service staff are available from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday to handle customer billing and customer care questions.

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4. Sales and Marketing

We market our products and services through a variety of channels including press advertising, Internet, targeted leafleting, telemarketing and agents. If you indicate to us that you do not wish to be directly contacted we shall cease to have any further sales contact with you. In addition, we take steps to ensure that telephone numbers called are not listed on the Telephone Preference Service. You may register with the Telephone Preference Service or the Corporate Telephone Preference Service at any time. Further details can be obtained from the Telephone Preference Service website at www.tpsonline.org.uk/tps/.

If you wish to order our products and services you can contact us by telephone on 0207 993 9000 or via our web site at vonage.co.uk. Our Terms of Service will be made available to you before you make any contractual commitment. Early termination charges will apply if you cancel within your minimum term. We may disconnect the service if you breach our Terms of Service. If you have any questions about our Terms of Service simply contact us by telephone on 0207 993 9000 or [email protected].

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5. Technical Problems

We aim to provide you with all the help you need to understand how to use the service and to help you with any technical problems you may experience. We aim to attend to any faults as soon as possible.

If you have any technical questions simply telephone us on 0207 993 9000 or email us at [email protected].

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6. Pricing and Billing

Up to date pricing information is available at vonage.co.uk and upon request by calling 0207 993 9000. Our billing terms may vary depending upon the products or services supplied but we make sure you are aware of our payment terms before you enter into a contract with us.

We provide itemised bills clearly showing the charges for using our service. If you have any billing queries or difficulties please call us on0207 993 9000 or contact us at [email protected]. In the case of non-payment or late payment we may impose a credit limit on your account and/or require a deposit as security for paying bills. We have the right to charge interest on any overdue amount. We may also suspend or terminate the service if you do not make any payment when due.

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7. Premium Rate and Number Translation Services

Premium Rate Services

Premium rate numbers begin with 070, 090, 0870, 0871/2/3, 084 or 118.

Phone-paid Services Authority (PSA) is the regulatory body for all premium rate services. PSA regulates premium services through its Code of Practice. PSA's role is to prevent consumer harm by ensuring service providers are responsible for clear and accurate pricing information, honest advertising and service content and appropriate and targeted promotions.

PSA investigates complaints and has the power to fine companies and bar access to services if the PSA Code of Practice is breached. PSA can also bar any individual behind a company from running any other premium rate services under any company name on any telephone network for a defined period. PSA deals with lesser problems by issuing formal reprimands or ordering companies to obtain prior approval before launching a premium rate service.

PSA's complaint service is free to consumers and is fully independent.

PSA only deals with complaints about premium rate numbers:

  • numbers beginning with 070, 09 or 0870, 0871/2/3
  • directory enquiry services operating on numbers beginning with 118
  • reverse-billed SMS operating on shortcodes (shortcodes are four or five digits long)

Making a complaint

You can make a complaint to PSA in a variety of ways. However, before doing so, you should visit PSA's on-line premium rate number checking facility for instant information about the number in question. This facility is available at: https://psauthority.org.uk/for-consumers/making-an-enquiry/submit-an-online-enquiry

You can make a complaint to PSA in the following ways:

  • If you have a hard copy of the promotion in question (i.e. a page from a newspaper or magazine), you should make your complaint in writing with a copy of the promotion to: PSA, 25th Floor, 40 Bank Street, E14 5NR
  • By submitting an online enquiry to: https://psauthority.org.uk/for-consumers/making-an-enquiry/submit-an-online-enquiry
  • By calling the PSA free helpline on 0300 30 300 20 between 9.30am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).


Calling a premium rate number is more expensive than calls to other landline numbers. Premium rate numbers operate on a revenue share basis. The service that you access through dialing a premium rate number is paid for through your telephone bill. This means that a large part of the revenue generated from the call goes to the service provider responsible for offering the service. In effect the cost of the call is used to pay for the service being offered - the call is a payment mechanism for the service.


We are members of the Ombudsman Service Adjudication Scheme. If you have a complaint about a call to a premium rate number appearing on your phone bill that we cannot resolve, the Ombudsman Service can investigate the matter for you. Details of how you can contact the Ombudsman Service are in the chapter on Complaints and Dispute Resolution below. Additionally, if you make a complaint to PSA they can investigate the complaint and if the complaint is upheld order the premium rate service provider to pay you a refund. In circumstances where your telephone has been used without your permission to call a premium rate number PSA may also be able to order that the service provider pays compensation to you.

Number Translation Services

Number translation services (NTS) numbers begin with 05 or 08. Our rates for calls to NTS numbers vary by time of day and whether the call is made during weekdays or at weekends. There is no charge for calls to 080 free phone numbers. Your monthly subscription package does not include calls to 084 and 087 numbers - these calls are charged separately.

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8. Complaints and Dispute Resolution

We are committed to addressing any complaints as fairly as possible and within a reasonable time. For details of our complaints process and referring your complaint to the Ombudsman Service for independent consideration please see our Customer Complaints Code.

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9. Your Privacy

We are committed to the privacy of our customers and those who access our website and to compliance with Applicable Data Protection Laws to ensure that data collected by us is processed properly. “Applicable Data Protection Laws” include all privacy laws applicable to any personal data processed under or in connection with your service, including, without limitation, the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (the "GDPR"), the Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive 2002/58/EC and all national legislation implementing or supplementing the foregoing and all associated codes of practice and other guidance issued by any applicable data protection authority, all as amended, re-enacted and/or replaced and in force from time to time.

Our Privacy Policy is published on our website at https://www.vonage.com/privacy-policy.

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10. Social Responsibility

We take our social, health and safety, environmental and employee relations responsibilities very seriously. In addition, we are fully aware of our regulatory responsibilities as a communications provider and in particular requirements of regulatory bodies such as Ofcom.

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11. Useful Contact Information

Riverside House
2a Southwark Bridge Road

Report a Complaint: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/phones-telecoms-and-internet/how-to-report-a-complaint
Web site: www.ofcom.org.uk
Tel: 0300 123 3333 or 020 7981 3040

The Ombudsman Service
Ombudsman Services: Communications
PO Box 730

Web site: https://www.ombudsman-services.org/sectors/communications
Make a Complaint: https://www.ombudsman-services.org/sectors/communications/complain-now
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0330 440 1614
Fax: 0330 440 1615
Textphone: 0330 440 1600

Telephone Preference Service (TPS)
DMA House
70 Margaret Street

Email: [email protected]
Web: www.tpsonline.org.uk
Preference Service Helpline: 0345 0700 705
Registration Line: 0345 070 0707

Phone-paid Services Authority (PSA)
40 Bank St
Canary Wharf
E14 5NR

Web: https://psauthority.org.uk
Online Enquiry: https://psauthority.org.uk/for-consumers/making-an-enquiry/submit-an-online-enquiry
Tel: 0300 30 300 20

Version: 12th September 2018
